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Here are our most frequently asked questions, and answers!

Do gerbils need to live together?

Yes, gerbils are very social animals, so even if you play with them a lot, they still need one of their own kind. Gerbils may be especially affectionate to you if they do not have a buddy. This is NOT good. That is an indicator that your gerbil is starved for a social life, and this has been shown to even shorten the lifespan of a gerbil. Sometimes adult gerbils that don't know each will fight, and it's important to use the split cage divider to introduce them. Just because your gerbil may be aggressive to others, does not mean they are not wanting, or not able to be with other gerbils, they just need proper introduction.

How long do gerbils live?

Gerbils usually live between 3-5 years. 2 weeks is about a year for a gerbil, meaning that if they reach 4 years old (which is pretty old for a gerbil!) they would be roughly 100 in human years 

Do gerbils smell?

If a gerbil's cage is cleaned as often as it should be, depending on the gerbil (females are a bit stinkier), then you shouldn't be able to smell it unless you stick your head in their cage.

How often should I handle my gerbil?

Gerbils don't really need to have a "set" time to be handled. Handle them as often as you can, and be aware that if you don't handle them enough, they may become less social. But don't worry, "Enough" is a very fluid term that changes for each gerbil. I like to handle mine at least once a day, but a few times a week should be fine.

Do gerbils bite?

Gerbils often nibble your hand when you're holding them, or they might nip your finger when taking or expecting a treat,  or even if it was intentional, it could have been a way of saying "You're holding me a bit too tight" but this is very different from an actual aggressive "bite". You would know if your gerbil intentionally bit you because it would bleed quite a bit. Keep in mind that they cut wood with their teeth like butter. When they nibble your hand, it may feel funny, but gerbils almost never intentionally bite.

Is the split cage method neccesary?

While the split cage method is not necessary, it is risky not to conduct it. Gerbils (though rare) can be very aggressive, and through a divider is the best way to discover that. At younger ages, the split cage method is more of an option and not a necessity, as they haven't grown and fully developed the hormones that cause them to be territorially aggressive. This is generally the case for two or three months, but after this period of time, it's best to use the split cage method when introducing new gerbils to each other, but bottom line, please be careful whenever introducing new gerbils in any circumstances. 

How high maintanence are gerbils?

Keep in mind the animal that we're talking about. Gerbils are the same animals that were used as classroom pets or the same animal that everyone says they had a child as, they're a good starter pet if you're not sure you or your child can handle the commitment of a kitten or puppy. They get people used to daily feeding, changing the bedding, and taking care of a pet. But there's a reason. Gerbils don't ask a lot, they generally just want to have food, water, a playmate or two, and something to do. Like every pet, they most certainly can not be neglected, abused, or forgotten. They need attention and company like everyone else. But they're a lot of fun, easy to handle, and are most certainly not high maintenance.

Here are some links we recomend to get you started 
For more help or questions after ownership:
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Proud member of the American Gerbil Society!

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